O-Liminator Odor Eliminator – 2 Pack


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O-Liminator is the newest and easiest way to tackle bacteria, odor and moisture buildup Helps reduce bacteria buildup Manages moisture Lasts up to 60 Days Test studies and testimonials have proven O-Liminator to work better than alcohol and other bacteria and enzyme based products The dry pellet packets are easier-to-use than liquid or spray formulas The beauty is you pull the packets out when you are ready to use your gear, and put them back in when you are finished Made from a multi-component compound of aromatic ingredients and utilizes the “5-B’s-smell-fighter” technology that STOPS smells in their tracks Recommended for use in sports bags, shoes, sneakers, work boots, cars, closets, lockers, athletic gear, or around the house where odors may exist Use each packet simultaneously, or store the balance in the handy screw-off plastic barrier proof container for later use (Stored packets may last up to one year) O-Liminator Odor Eliminator – 2 Pack